Protect our forests.

Deforestation affects everyone.


Deforestation is the removal of trees to make room for other land uses.

Deforestation affects our world as it causes increased greenhouse gases, flooding and climate change; amongst several other effects.

Forests cover approximately 30% of the land area on Earth.

Deforestation affects all living things - people, animals and, of course trees.

As people cut down more forest reserves faster than they grow trees, deforestation will continue to be a growing problem for all of us.


Causes of Deforestation

There are number of causes that are responsible for deforestation and its increasing rate of growth.

Below are some of the main causes:

  1. Conversion of land resources to agriculture as the world population keep growing. This in turn leads to an increase in people needing more food such as apples, banana, palm oil and wheat (used for bread).

  2. Use of forest resources for items such as paper which are used all over the worlds in schools and offices. As well as furniture and construction materials, again this is used all over the world.

Once a forest is cleared, it can’t be restored, due to soil erosion.

Forest Conversion, WWF,


What can you and I do to reduce deforestation?

  1. Know how serious the effect of deforestation is on our world - learn new habits, unlearn old habits

  2. Use less paper when we can

  3. Plant a tree or support causes for planting more trees

  4. Use recycled paper or digital platforms as alternatives for paper

  5. Donate your time and resources to help us spread the word

Deforestation may drive animal-to-human infections, MedicalNewsToday,


“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.”

— Mahatma Gandhi